We would like to accompany you in important moments of your life and posit the junctures under God’s blessing.


A child is born – what a joyous gift! As parents, grandparents or godparents we feel grateful but also responsible. With the christening God accepts this young life. A lifelong friendship begins. In the christening we ask God for his blessing. 

As parents and godparents acting for the child we offer the child’s affirmation of God. With the christening you become a member of the church. Together with others we are wandering on the path of belief.
We baptize also young adults and adults. In such cases personal decisions or the beginning of a new phase of life come to the fore. God’s affirmation and acceptance of us is nevertheless important, just as is our affirmation of the triune God – father, son and holy spirit –in whose name we are baptized. 

The baptism is accepted in the protestant lutheran church, the catholic church and the orthodox church. If you want to learn more about baptism please contact our pastors or our church office.


“Together with young adults on the path of faith” – this is one way of describing the time prior to confirmation. Young adults question life, faith, God. We as congregation want to confront these questions together with them and search for answers. The word “confirmation” meant originally “reinforcement”. 

We want to accompany young adults on their path of growing up and reinforce their strengths. With the celebration in which young adults confess their faith in God this rite-of-passage comes to an end.
Our congregation celebrates confirmation every two years. Young adults who wish to partake in confirmation classes should be 13 or 14 years of age by the time of the actual confirmation.

Throughout the two-year-long course we spend several confirmation weekends and a get away of several days together.If you want to learn more about our confirmation please contact our pastors or our church office.


Two people have found each other. They want to live together for the rest of their lives. They want to celebrate their love together with others. nuptials, grand time for most joyous festivities.

At a church wedding we ask God for his blessing of the bridal couple: he shall accompany them and hold his hand over them in good times just as well as in difficult times. If you want to be married in our church please contact the church office firenze@chiesaluterana.it.
We have also gathered the most important information in this wedding memo.

For us as Evangelical-Lutheran church the essential criterium in any relationship is the love between two people and their willingness to take responsiblity for one another. Therefore blessings of homosexual couples are just as well possible in our congregation.


Jesus Christ has risen from the dead on Easter and has overcome the power of death for us. This is the reason for our faith.
A human dies. This is always a rupture in the lives of those close to that person. We want to accompany you through your mourning and at the funeral consider that person’s life in light of a verse from the bible. 

Taking leave in dignity and commend our dead into God’s hands. Please contact in the case of a person’s death our pastors or our church office.

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