Our congregation
Our congregation is part of the Evangelical-Lutheran church in Italy and is closely connected to the Evangelical church in Germany. In Italy we collaborate with the Evangelical churches who are subsumed under the federation of the Evangelical churches in Italy (FCEI).
The federation of Evangelical women in Italy is the network of Evangelicalfemale labour.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy
CELI is a church consisting of various evangelical parishes. These parishes had German origins. Today, though, they consider themselves a church, which is independent from churches existing in Germany. Legally CELI is recognised by Italian law. The Italian parliament decreed in 1995 the law of the Intesa between CELI and the Italian Republic.
Evangelical Church in Germany
The Evangelical church in Germany counts about 23 million people as members. Each of them is part of a local parish. These local parishes belong to a total of twenty federal state churches. Together they form the EKD.
Federation of evangelical churches in Italy
The federation of evangelical churches in Italy offers a platform for encounter and communication between all evangelical churches in Italy. Almost all historical occurrences of italian protestantism are united in FCEI. About 65.000 people are members of all participating churches. This number is equivalent to 20% of the evangelical population in Italy.
Federation of evangelical women in Italy
The federation of evangelical women in Italy is a movement of women whose aim is to “be a testament to Christ’s liberation and exoneration of each human being with particular attention to women’s roles and rights in church and society at large.” (statute, art. 2) The FDEI is based on voluntary work and wants to spark reflections in the church about the role of women. It also aims to encourage evangelical women’s participation in activities in church and society.